I have 1 week until I‘m suppose to see this movie with my best friend so I better get cracking on the book!
I have 1 week until I‘m suppose to see this movie with my best friend so I better get cracking on the book!
Watched the movie this morning and felt it was time to read the last book in the series 😭😭
P.s the movie was great!
Now that all the weddings and classes are done, I finally made it back to this audiobook! Still as unnerving as ever 😱
Litsy! It‘s been awhile! I‘m almost out of wedding season so my weekends will be mine again! This is the first of many chances I‘ll finally have to sit and read in my library 😭😭
Last week was all about Megan and Harry. This week I‘m changing it up!
All I want is to start reading this book but I need to get read for a 50th wedding anniversary 😒😒
Waiting for the fam jam to come and get me! Have this beauty with me for company!
My new best friend for the next 3 months! #publishing #schoolworkinthesummer
All by myself today so I‘m reading at the desk! I‘ve had this one for awhile! Any one else wonder what‘s the point of getting a book of essays that are available online 😂 maybe if I was already a fan?
I must say, I‘m not loving this book and it‘s sad because it has a lot of things I love. I love that it‘s set in Montreal and I think the writer is very good at writing in way that shows the emotions of the characters. I just hate the MC! If she was real person she would be someone I would actively avoid and it‘s not because they‘re a bad person but because they can be so haute about “Art”
Have I mentioned lately how happy I am my dogs too lazy to catch mice and leave me organs as gifts? 😂
This break time is brought to you by The Lost Girls of Camp Forevermore
New book stack from #bookoutlet ! Really leaned into the non-fiction with this purchase :)
Also, is it just me or do other people constantly order the scratch and dent copies without realizing it?
I applied and got interviewed for a fellowship at Drawn and Quarterly. I didn‘t get the spot but they were nice enough to send me one of their books. Bitter sweet but better than nothing!
This book has been an amazing ride through a part of Canada‘s history that I knew nothing about. Set in the 1950s it focuses on the Duplessis Orphans. In Quebec, Duplessis had orphanage converted into asylums and labeled all the orphan mentally insane and then used them as workers to care for those who were actually sick. It‘s a gruelling story but one I‘m glad to read about, especially when it was so beautifully written!
This was my first romance and I got to say that I liked it! I liked that everyone felt so real, that the history between everyone was on every page. I listened to it on audio and there was something about people talking to dirty to each other in my ears that had me go “oh my!” 😂😂Will definitely grab the second and third in the series
You know when you don‘t realize you‘ve been in a reading slump till you‘re out of it? That was me these past 2 months! But Sourdough in audio pulled me through! I finally felt motivated to read something for longer than 20 minutes! This is just the beginning of the books I read this past week ;)
1) Graphic novels every time
2) hostess
3) community manager
4) marketing for publishing house
5) green tea 🍵
A fantastic little boon of comic strip that all focus on books! Easy tell that the author is a lover of books because he gets it. Here‘s a couple of my latest favourites
My writing isn‘t beautiful but @teebe this pen writes so nicely! Great for taking class notes 📝
1) stay home! This week has had far too many things going on!
2) 5‘4 and still waiting for that growth spurt
3) going on 7 years? Time flies!
4) just started The Lost Girl of Camp Forevermore and I‘m loving it! I think it‘s getting me out of my reading slump
5) lucky for me, I got all did today for my grad photos (I‘m two year behind!)
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
@LA_Mead as you can see I already broke into the chocolate! Thank you for the gifts! All the books are new to me but they look like fun reads :) #cupidgoespostal
Here‘s my little horror shrine from the wonderful @teebe ! I feel like I‘m about to get a horror education! The bath bomb will have to wait until I visit my mom because I only have a stand up shower 😂
I swear I‘ll try the horror movies but I make no promises because while I can read anything I‘m a wuss when it comes to movies!
Thank you!!
I‘ve been having a hard time reading physical books unless they‘re graphic novels, which means I making the most of my Scribd account. Trying this @bookriot favourite
@teebe when I saw the Grand and Toy box I thought « oh no my package got sent back to me »! Nope just my box repurposed for #mybloodyvalentineswap! Haha
It has been awhile since I read this book but I loved it then and I‘m excited to see the movie of it now!
All the gift are wrapped and ready to be sent out tomorrow! (There are more on the ground)
#cupidgoespostal #mybloodyvalentineswap
Happy birthday lady! I don‘t really have a favourite book but when I think about the book I loved the longest it‘s probably A Great and Terrible Beauty! The magic! The era! Opium!
My advice for 40 year old me? Do the things you love regardless of what people say you should be doing by the time you‘re 40! If that is traveling than travel! If you want a family have a family! It is up to you :)
The library strikes again! Just missing volume one which I should be able to borrow from work (if I can find it)
Can‘t take a picture of my #thecanadiantour book but in honour of the chocolate @CouronneDhiver sent me I will show you the cookies in my stove. Or the one cookie in my stove because they are slowly morphing into one... #noregrets
Finally got my books for my #mybloodyvalentineswap and #cupidgoespostal recipients! They are both get one of the same books because I think both of them will love it! Now to wait for the rest of the things I ordered....
This book is creepy, beautiful and I want to own a copy of my own (damn you library!). A bunch of different kinds of fairy tales to get you in the eerie mood 👻 🔮
Y‘all! This was great! I want to be Tiffany Haddish‘s best friend. She made me want to cry and laugh at the same time. Listening to her story and the way she fought against the odds to find her way into comedy was inspiring. Highly recommend you get this on audio!
You didn‘t say it couldn‘t be a graphic novel so I‘m saying that my favourite ship right now is Mal and Molly! I just think they are the sweetest and I love the way they support one another!
#ishipit #yagiveaway @hermyknee
We found a used bookstore a block away from where my friend is staying.... I‘m struggling to not buy more books y‘all!
Working on my homework in the Atrium in the Toronto General Hospital! Gonna take a break soon and read my #thecanadiantour book :)
1) Sailor Moon (I still love it)
2) Tagged book!
3) Pickles 🤤
4) The Oscars (I go to a party that has been going on for 30 years)
5) @elkeo @CouronneDhiver @BookHermit
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
I hit up the HarperCollins headquarters in Toronto and stole some things...may need to visit the city more often.