Decided to take one of my bucket list items - climbing Mount Kilimanjaro- and turn it into a goal for my 45th birthday (in three years). Figured that should be enough time to plan, save, and get in shape- would love any book reqs to get me in the spirit of things - anything about the mountain, Tanzania, or Africa in general! 😊 #Africa #kilimanjaro
erzascarletbookgasm This short stories collection:) 8y
The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories
BibliOphelia Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen. Some people are 'meh' on the book; if that's you, you'll still find the movie quite evocative. 8y
Mel @erzascarletbookgasm I have that on my TBR for awhile now, will have to push that one up now :) 8y
Mel @BibliOphelia I actually saw the movie first and then read the book quite awhile later - liked them both :) 8y