Y‘all I love this series so very much but especially this one. They‘re all so lovely in this and there‘s some good teacher backstory stuff and I‘ve always been partial to Daja. I just adore this series yall, rereading it was such a good idea.
Y‘all I love this series so very much but especially this one. They‘re all so lovely in this and there‘s some good teacher backstory stuff and I‘ve always been partial to Daja. I just adore this series yall, rereading it was such a good idea.
Continuing the series reread! Still love this one just as much ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I loved reading Tamora Pierce books when I was young, and I loved listening to this book and getting a taste of that world again (medieval-ish world with magic). I love books that make me believe in the goodness and bravery of young people.
Peanut butter filled pretzels are my favorite snack of all time & perfect for the #reademandeatathon. #goawayimreading