Post #2: Book Haul
Soft reopening event at the larger Pete & Freddy's Indie Bookstore. Outgrowing the previous location after 13 years is a wonderful accomplishment! So proud of Maddie and her team! 😍
Post #2: Book Haul
Soft reopening event at the larger Pete & Freddy's Indie Bookstore. Outgrowing the previous location after 13 years is a wonderful accomplishment! So proud of Maddie and her team! 😍
Soft reopening event at the larger Pete & Freddy's Indie Bookstore. Outgrowing the previous location after 13 years is a wonderful accomplishment! So proud of Maddie and her team! 😍
Super excited to help a friend relocate her bookshop to a bigger storefront a few doors down. 50,000+ books being boxed and rolled to the new place. Impeccable organization throughout the whole process!
You can go shop now... Still rooms and rooms of books to pick from but goodness if I didn't leave a dent 😍
#ShopLocal #ShopIndie #SmallBusinessSaturday #SmallBizSaturday #BookNerd #ChristmasShopping @pagesaplenty #MentoneIndiana #HappyBirthdayPippiLongstocking