The narrative is made up of many such understandings, tacit agreements small and large, to overlook the observable in the interests of obtaining a dramatic storyline.
The narrative is made up of many such understandings, tacit agreements small and large, to overlook the observable in the interests of obtaining a dramatic storyline.
Word. The WH has inquired about the economic impact of this lasting til March or April. April folks. April. What are we doing? Im more thankful than ever that I'm a reader and here. And btw the fed courts don't run out of money til next week, so we're blessedly ok at the moment at least financially. (This also means there will be zero backup plan for the next several years for the judiciary) off to read a romance once the driveway is plowed!
completely agree!! 📚💖
#photoadaynov16 I can't think of any political fiction at all that I have read, but I stood in line for an hour and a half today to get my vote on!! It was cold too.