Literally a space opera - as in an opera set in space. It's actually quite fun to read as long as fun is all you're looking for. Full review here: https://kammartinez.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/entertaining-but-not-much-else-a-re...
Literally a space opera - as in an opera set in space. It's actually quite fun to read as long as fun is all you're looking for. Full review here: https://kammartinez.wordpress.com/2016/06/25/entertaining-but-not-much-else-a-re...
*distant crashing sound* Oh whoops there goes my heart. That happens sometimes: please pick up the pieces and send them to the address printed on the back.
That almost made me do a spittake. Seriously: HAMBURGER? Why not "mincemeat", which has nice echoes of the "meat grinder" battlefronts of WWI? I blame this on the translator.
This is SO rude, but at the same time utterly hilarious XD.
Ouch. Just. OUCH. Also: that "up the missile tube" maneuver sounds a heckuva lot like A New Hope.
Poe Dameron showed me that I have a thing for flyboys, and these guys are no different. *purrs*
Image is an archival photo from the 1986 EDSA Revolution: one of the most important historical events of my country.
*sighs* Gosh, but I do so love a pragmatist. Oh, be still my beating heart!
When I wonder why I love this man so much, things like this make me remember why XD.
The young Padawan has learned much from his master regarding the art of evasion I see XD.
Not happy with the way this particular book treats homosexuality, but this is EXACTLY the kind of gossip you might hear in the hothouse of intrigue and conspiracy that is a royal court.
I think I'd kill for any kind of tech that could cram the effects of a full eight hours of sleep in just one hour. And I doubt I'm the only one.
Basically me XD. Also one more reason to love this character even more XD.
So not only is Reinhard a hyper-intelligent little sh*t, but he's also an AMBITIOUS hyper-intelligent little sh*t. I think I like him even more now :D.
I have concluded that Reinhard is a little sh*t, but by the gods I like him anyway. This doesn't happen very often with characters like him.
...would it be excessively mean of me to say that this guy sounds like he belongs on an SS recruiting poster?
Couldn't help but see my own country's current situation in this quote, hence the background. Staring down the barrel of a potential dictatorship is NOT fun.
Welp, that's basically the Philippines in a nutshell, especially the ones who voted for our current President-Elect.
How strange. Where, oh where have I heard of such a person before?
*remembers who the Philippines voted for President*
Whoa whoa WHOA! WTF?!
*breathes* Okay, gotta remember when this book was written, and who wrote it. It's not an excuse, but it is an explanation as to why this b*llsh*t is in this book.
Starting on this one now! Gonna try and get at least the very first chapter in before I turn in for the night. Also, maybe I should try watching the anime too, just to see how they compare :D.