Reading today to get my mind off the fact that I just sent my manuscript to my critique partner....and I feel like I just cut off a limb 😳 I‘m so stressed out knowing that it‘s out there being read 😂 I mean, that‘s the point, but still!!
Reading today to get my mind off the fact that I just sent my manuscript to my critique partner....and I feel like I just cut off a limb 😳 I‘m so stressed out knowing that it‘s out there being read 😂 I mean, that‘s the point, but still!!
Just a tiny book haul to add to my already massive #TBR. Because why not? I could have more expensive and worse hobbies than buying discount books... 😁
#Michal #jilleileensmith #randyalcorn #safelyhome #thriftbooks #newtome #notmybirthday #butfeelslikeit