I don‘t quite know how to describe this book. It feels familiar yet unique. Some of the sex scenes were a little much for me but overall beautifully written. âï¸âï¸âï¸âï¸
I don‘t quite know how to describe this book. It feels familiar yet unique. Some of the sex scenes were a little much for me but overall beautifully written. âï¸âï¸âï¸âï¸
“He looked like a different person when he was reading, his face changed, he seemed distant but contented, like people do when they sing.â€
This book is so good and is inappropriate for bus reading. Nosey riders be like: 😳
You asked whether people's happiness or aspirations could depend on the decisions of politicians who happen to be in power. Allow me to give you what you may think a predictable answer -- yes, they can, it one does not own a thousand hectares of land.
Exceeded my expectations. A slow start, then full immersion into a world rich in detail and ideas. A cleverly spun story, poignant characters, wit, intense passion... Asks why we stay, or why we leave; & how do we communicate with each other (from the pretty literary salon to the old man in the cave, wisest of all). It's hard to know what to read next! Postcard: Dresden by Kirchner💫
"Hans thought of a hundred words and they all dissolved on his tongue. That kiss didn't seem to accept any commentary."
Things are hotting up...
"Sophie Gottlieb held her salon on Fridays at teatime, and at them her guests would discuss wide-ranging questions of literature, philosophy and politics."
Salons always sound like so much fun! I know the 1820s wasn't a great time to be a woman, but this makes it sound quite delightful.
Finally! This has been on my TBR ever since I read a short story by Andres Nueman in the Paris Review ... Really looking forward to it. It's translated from Spanish but set in Germany so that opens up a wealth of food & wine matching options! 🎉🙌ðŸ»
Another bookshop visit and couldn't resist these: the Andres Neuman has long been on my TBR and Chaplin & Co sounds like an irresistible London read...
Currently reading this glorious masterpiece of our times - to me this is the book of our century - Neuman has inter woven philosophy and literature with great ease