⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was sadly disappointed by this one—I didn‘t care about the characters and the story was a little lackluster. Not to mention the instalove *shudder*
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was sadly disappointed by this one—I didn‘t care about the characters and the story was a little lackluster. Not to mention the instalove *shudder*
Another fantastic addition to the Falling Kingdoms world by Morgan Rhodes. this woman can do no wrong! The way she meshes Mythica with the present day modern world is phenomenal. I can't believe this series was not as popular as Falling Kingdoms and called for a cancellation!
#fallingkingdoms #spiritsandthieves #morganrhodes #youngadult #ya #goodreads
#MusicalNewYear #FallingSlowly
On offshoot of the Falling Kingdoms series.
I‘m trying to get caught up on my first month of participating In Photo challenges! Let me say THIS IS FUN!!! This is Day 8 from the #GetMovin challenge! Today‘s prompt was #TheJokerAndTheThief
"My name is Becca Hatcher. I don't know what's happened to me, where I am, or how I got here, but I know one thing. You're going to help me get back home."
#SmellsLikeTeenSpirit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hTWKbfoikeg #JuneTunz
Got the "spirit" part down and I wouldn't doubt riding a horse and sweating in the hot sun would make for some "smells"!
#iwantadventureinthegreatwidesomewhere #bbbmarch17
Looks like I'd be in quite the adventure in this novel! Love the cover art, it's what drew me to the book!
Christmas was awesome! I got some great bookish items. I gave my mom a list of books and she picked A Book of Spirits AND she surprised me with the next book in the series! She gets me. Lol
A fast read with some interesting twists, but over all nothing stands out to me as particularly remarkable.
I was excited to discover that Morgan Rhodes is a Canadian author and that she has come out with a YA fantasy novel that takes place in Canada! More specifically modern day Toronto. Being from the Toronto area myself, I always get excited when I discover books that take place in Canada! 🇨🇦🍁