At The Crossroads, by Rachel Isadora, is a sweet RF story to be read in class. It is about a South African village waiting for their fathers to come home from the mines. There is a part where the children are making music, so I would use ESOL strategy 17, using audio and body language for support, and let the students also make music. I would use this website that shows us how to make instruments
in the classroom.
jmartucci https://feltmagnet.com/crafts/Music-Instruments-for-Kids-to-Make. UDL 3.1, activate background knowledge, would be implemented by asking students if they remember a time when they were waiting for a parent or guardian to come home from somewhere. I would use RT to get the students involved and use their homemade instruments. #ucflae3414su19 6y
DrSpalding I love the idea of having students make their own instruments! This author has a current book titled Islandborn that is on my to be purchased list! What a wonderful way to incorporate the arts while using quality literature. 6y
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