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Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler
Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler: Tackling These Crazy Awesome YearsNo Time-outs Needed | Jamie Glowacki
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Real-world, from-the-trenches toddler parenting advice from the author of the bestselling Oh Crap! Potty Training. Toddlerscommonly defined as children aged between two and five years oldcan be a horribly misunderstood bunch. What most parents view as bad behavior is in fact just curious behavior. Toddlerdom is the age of individuation, seeking control, and above all, learning how the world works. But this misunderstanding between parents and child can lead to power struggles, tantrums, and even diminished growth and creativity. The recent push of early intellectualism coupled with a desire to make childhood magical has created a strange paradoxwe have three-year-olds with math and Mandarin tutors who dont know how to dress themselves and are sitting in their own poop. We are pushing the toddler mind beyond its limit but simultaneously keeping them far below their own natural capabilities. In the frank, funny, and totally authentic Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler, social worker Jamie Glowacki helps parents work through what she considers the five essential components of raising toddlers: Engaging the toddler mind Working with the toddler body Understanding and dealing with the toddler behavior Creating a good toddler environment You, the parent Oh Crap! I Have a Toddler is about doing more with lessand bringing real childhood back from the brink of over-scheduled, over-stimulated, helicopter parenting. With her signature down-and-dirty, friend-to-friend advice, Jamie is here to help you experience the joy of parenting again and giving your childand yourselfthe freedom to let them grow at their own pace and become who they are.
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Fox and I went to my favourite bookshop in Kemptown today. He immediately found something to climb on. I can‘t take him anywhere 🙄😂

AmyG Ha! A real little boy. ❤️ 3y
Traci1 Do they make those shoes in grown up sizes??? 😍 3y
Magpiegem @AmyG yes, I have three of them. I‘m exhausted!! 😴😂 3y
Magpiegem @Traci1 I know right!? They also did a blue bird version which I loved but as his name is Fox I had to go for the 🦊 ones! 3y
robinb What a cutie!!! 💙💙💙 3y
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There are a lot of parenting books out there but the title of this one felt resonant with the way we have jumped right in. The author is known for her potty training know-how, and she learned that many parents don't understand where toddlers are at developmentally, and as a result, what they need most. ↘️

ReadingEnvy She has good discussion on boundaries and how much toddlers need to push them to grow (but still need to hit an edge.) I liked what she had to say about presence, engaging a child in creativity and critical thinking in age-appropriate ways, and maintaining your own identity and sanity in ways that actually make you more engaged with the child. 3y
Cathythoughts Sounds good. Exciting times ❤️ 3y
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I read this because I read her potty training book earlier this year and it was AMAZING (seriously - if you are approaching potty training, afraid to potty train, have tried to potty train and it‘s going disastrously, go buy her book; you really can potty train a kid in 3 days). It didn‘t give me many lightbulb insights like the first book did, but I do think the information is sound, and recommend it to anyone struggling with toddler behavior