the plot is boring and predictable and the characters are stereotypical and shallow. it also moves slower than traffic on I-95 at rush hour.
the plot is boring and predictable and the characters are stereotypical and shallow. it also moves slower than traffic on I-95 at rush hour.
Didn't take this book on my weekend trip, and when I got back to it the main emotion I felt was "tired", so I think that's a bail!
I wish this book that I'm guessing is about a lady learning to do a murder was moving a touch faster.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4.
I was hoping this would be a horror novel, instead it was an historical thriller. Taking place in 1872 the most horrifying thing was how women were treated. How a man could have his wife committed just because he wants to. There is a pervading sense of hopelessness around Clara, the main character. She has been recently released from a mental hospital, only to find her husband Henry wants to get rid of her permanently.