I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.
Day 47.
I‘m posting one book per day from my ever-increasing TBR. No description. No explanation. Just books to read. Join the fun if you want.
Day 47.
Collection Perfection Thanks @AlgonquinBooks for this wonderful read.
My first reading of the written works of Larry Brown. His stories have been described as “gritty” and “real”. Definitely agree with those descriptions. Favorite stories in this collection are “Tiny Love”, “Sleep”, & “A Roadside Resurrection.” Trigger warnings for racial slurs, sexism, & drunk driving. These stories may not be what I am used to reading, but there are elements of brilliance in the prose. #LibraryThingEarlyReviewer #AlgonquinBooks