Love this book. Rereading it for the 3rd time!
Saving to my #TBR because it looks SO GOOD, but I can‘t start any new books right now. Have any of you read this one?
In the near future, socio groups have very nearly taken over. These groups called Affinities, place people in like groups based on very specific factors. But with the good this brings there also come the bad.
I really, really liked this book. I loved the characters and the plot development. It was just real enough to see it happening in our time. A great read and very relevant.
I am teaching my seventh graders about dystopias. They received a handout with the characteristics of a dystopian society. This book contains most of them. Although tranches work because of the combined skills of their members, ultimately the society as prescribed by your affinity propagates the idea that individuality and dissent are bad.
Afternoon on the deck. Too hot to sit in the sun and I'm about to make mint juleps so I wanted something fast paced. Hopefully this fits the bill.