Happy Star Wars Day!
Happy Star Wars Day!
Souls for the Master by John C Adams is out now.
#horror #dystopia #SoulsForTheMaster #johncadams #ebook
“Don‘t want to pollute our own backyard, do we?”
Souls for the Master by John C Adams is out now.
#horror #dystopia #SoulsForTheMaster #johncadams #ebook
“Nothing typified the Master like his endless glee over knowing every detail of their thoughts. In his struggle for dominance over the other members of the Seven, this gave him endless ways to generate mischief and misery. Don was their way to block the Master, at least temporarily.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
The barrier was designed to keep their western half of the country separate from those over in the wealthier East. Ivy couldn‘t remember a time when it hadn‘t been there. She didn‘t like to think about all the souls it took to placate the Master and persuade him to keep it in place.
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Pic: Larry Teo via Unsplash
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Pic: Mahosadha Ong via Unsplash
“Had he been negligent? Would the Master punish him for it?“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“The system detected his negative thoughts and gave him a gentle electronic prod to deter him from dwelling on them.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“Gerald was inured to the intrusion of having involuntary information bouncing around his head. No one in this day and age expected to have their thoughts to themselves.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“Brace for the worst, my friends. The Master was never going to be satisfied with just a few souls here and there.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“On the other side of the barrier, Westerners were crammed in so that the Easterners could have their golf courses and their big gardens.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“Nothing typified the Master like his endless glee over knowing every detail of their thoughts.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
“She didn‘t like to think about all the souls it took to placate the Master.“
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
Souls for the Master is out now on Smashwords.
#horror #dystopia
They settled down to see where the day‘s surveillance would take them.
My colleague at the British Fantasy Society Sarah Deeming has been kind enough to review my dystopian horror novel Souls for the Master.
Just click on the link to read the review in full over on their website.
In the western half of the Metropolis, eighteen-year-old Ivy Spires peered into the seeing disk. Her twenty-one-year-old brother Valentine sat on the sofa beside her, placidly caressing it. He smiled as the quality of the image improved. They settled down to see where the day‘s surveillance would take them.
#horror #dystopia #SoulsForTheMaster #johncadams