Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe | Samuel Birley Rowbotham, Parallax
This classic includes the following chapters: I. Zetetic and Theoretic Defined and ComparedII. Experiments Demonstrating the True Form of Standing Water, and Proving the Earth to Be a PlaneIII. The Earth No Axial or Orbital MotionIV. The True Form and Magnitude of the EarthV. The True Distance of the SunVI. The Sun's Motion, Concentric With the Polar CentreVII. The Sun's Path Expands and Contracts Daily for Six Months AlternatelyVIII. Cause of Day and Night, Winter and Summer; And the Long altErnations of Light and Darkness at The Northern CentreIX. Cause of Sunrise and SunsetX. Cause of Sun Appearing Larger When Rising and Setting Than at NoondayXI. Cause of Solar and Lunar EclipsesXII. The Cause of TidesXIII. The Earth's True Position in the Universe; Comparatively Recent Formation; Present Chemical Condition; And Approaching Destruction by FireXIV. Examination of the So-Called "Proofs" Of the Earth's Rotundity.—Why a Ship's Hull Disappears Before the Mast-HeadXV. General Summary—Application—Cui Bono"Parallax" And His Teachings. Opinions of the Press