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Made in Abyss Vol. 1
Made in Abyss Vol. 1 | Akihito Tsukushi
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In an age when the corners of the world have been scoured for their secrets, only one place remains unexplored--a massive cave system known as the Abyss, filled with monstrous creatures and lost relics. Those who delve into its depths are known as Cave Raiders. A young orphan named Riko dreams of following in her mother's footsteps as a Cave Raider, and when she meets a strange robot while exploring the Abyss, she is one perilous step closer to achieving her goal!
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Made in Abyss Vol. 1 | Akihito Tsukushi
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This manga has a really interesting premise, and I love the adorable and sketchy art style. It deserves more than a so-so, but I can‘t quite recommend it because there‘s an highly fetishized illustration near the beginning of a 12 year old being punished by being strung up naked for taking relics and I feel uncomfortable recommending the book as a result. It was a creative cruel punishment but it didn‘t need to be shown in Shibari style. #manga

phantomx There are some manga I keep to myself rather than recommend. I remembering someone mentioning Made in the Abyss; I have yet to watch it or see it 3y
Kenyazero @phantomx it is an interesting story so far, with cute art style. Because of this weird fetish-y scene involving a 12 year old, it‘s definitely going to be one I keep to myself 3y
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Made in Abyss Vol. 1 | Akihito Tsukushi
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Nothing beats climbing into bed with fresh, clean, linens! This might not seem like a big deal...but I'm a bachelor lol so it's a big deal to me. Don't judge.

I freaking loved the Made in Abyss anime but I've grown tired of waiting for season 2 (if it's even ever gonna come) so I'm digging into the Manga. The first 26 chapters is what the show covered so that part will be a rehash for me but the art is gorgeous so I don't mind so much. ☺️

Tonton Every body loves fresh sheets!😎 5y
JacqMac Clean sheet day is the best! 5y
RainyDayReading Nothing better than clean sheets 😁 5y
dragondrool Nope. No judging from me. Although, I would add the qualifier “with a book“. 5y
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