Some things haven‘t changed much...
Some things haven‘t changed much...
Just accidentally discovered that my book stand works upside down so if you need me I‘ll be hanging off the end of the ottoman and getting a good back and shoulder stretch in while I learn more about procuring cadavers and fetuses in Baltimore during the early days of embryology.
Nothing in particular to quote here, just taking a pause to think about my professor, this book, her classroom teaching, and our engagement —hers and mine— last semester. Several profs here have had what I know will be a lasting impact on me, and I hope to maintain many of those relationships after I graduate. This one though, there‘s something special here. She‘s so quietly brilliant, so almost-imperceptibly adept at what she does. It‘s powerful.
I can absolutely hear Lynn saying this in class 😂
If the book you want to teach doesn‘t exist, I guess you write it. Excited for my second class with Lynn Morgan.