Each page of the book has playing card magic in the margins and centre. I love it!
Each page of the book has playing card magic in the margins and centre. I love it!
I love a bit of comedy in any mash-up and the mix of humour, the devil's son and wild west in 'The Tortuga Hill Gang's Last Ride' sure had me chuckling away.
“Me, Black Hat and Horseflesh was playing cards in the cabin when we hear what sounds like someone on the porch.“
“Pretty reached into one of the pouches tied to her belt and withdrew a handful of small, polished bones and tossed them onto the ground. She squatted on her haunches and squinted at the pattern they made in the dirt at her feet. She quickly snatched the bones back up, returning them to their pouch.“
With something as profoundly earthshaking as the death of Death, one had to be absolutely perfect, or it was all for naught.
The Devil saw the look of horror and fear on Drake's face and grinned. Drake was frozen, unable to look away from the pale specter as he made his slow, stately way toward him from across the burning barroom, the fire reflecting in his mismatched eyes until they glowed like coals.
“I carry with me a white man who is dead during the day and walks at night. He drinks the blood of the living - both animal and man.“
#WomenInHorrorMonth #WiHM
“Twenty-four hours ago, this had been a place where people lived, worked and planned for the future. Now it was a scene of carnage.“
#WomenInHorrorMonth #WiHM