I hate how it goes back and forth between a travel narrative and a history book, but I do recommend it for anyone just getting into medieval history.
I hate how it goes back and forth between a travel narrative and a history book, but I do recommend it for anyone just getting into medieval history.
I want to learn more about the anti-Semitism of Richard I‘s reign. From what The Age of Chivalry describes it reminds me of the attacks on Jewish Americans in the last few years. Although denounced by those in power, nothing is really done to stop the hate.
I didn‘t realize in Gothic tradition, cathedrals form a cross. I‘ll have to look for this in Gothic cathedrals including Notre Dame.
This paragraph reminds me of Russian and Ukrainian brides that to this day marry Americans for a better life. I need to look into that movement to see if it‘s origins go back to the 11th century when European monarchs married princesses from Ukraine/Kiev
“...For there is nothing to which despair of his own life does not drive a man... His only concern is to live in any way he can. But I think that it is wrong that freedom should perish... To whom is it not preferable to die a free man rather than to bear the yoke of slavery?”__Emperor Valentinian III
Interesting thought. Could we be headed to a more class based feudal society in the wake of the pandemic? Probably not, but this is why history is important to read.
I can‘t highlight in this one because it belongs to a friend but this quote reminds me of pre-COVID-19 and where we are now.