Found the cleverest graphic novel at the First Second booth at New York Comic-Con.
Found the cleverest graphic novel at the First Second booth at New York Comic-Con.
Because I rarely read book descriptions I was surprised that this was a graphic novel and not a picture book. But then again, it is a picture book. With older kids (KVa) you could read this at story time. It would be a little longer, but it could work. The Hippo and Red Panda no longer like the zoo. So they try various human jobs trying to find what works best for them. I enjoyed this book and I think you will to.
My daughter loves hippos. When my son saw this on display at the public library he was happy to bring it home for her. It is a picture book in a comic book style and a little young for either of my kids, honestly, but it is hilarious. I laughed out loud at at least two of the jokes. My son wasn't sure what it meant to "wear a lot of hats" and this book sparked a conversation on that. I was happy for him to become familiar with a new phrase.