“Even Trolls came to listen and sat spellbound all through the night when the hulder-children told their strange tales.”
“Even Trolls came to listen and sat spellbound all through the night when the hulder-children told their strange tales.”
Traditional. Despite being a longer story, I bribe this story would be good in a classroom. It introduces children to the history and classic tales of trolls with engaging and beautiful imagery. The back and forth of color and black and white adds more intrigue to the language and the story.
D‘Aulaires‘ Book of Trolls by Ingri d‘Aulaire and Edgar Parin d‘Aulaire, 1972. This is the story of trolls, all types and kinds and all the stories surrounding them. This story weaves together a history through overlapping tales and illustrations made through stone lithography. It uses classic storytelling language that tells the story of trolls in the most fitting way.