Despite the mixed reviews I'm adding this #nonfiction book to my #TBR stack.
Despite the mixed reviews I'm adding this #nonfiction book to my #TBR stack.
I loved Thinking, Fast and Slow, but I have to bail on this follow-up (with the exception of a chapter on medical decision-making). Too esoteric and overly scientific writing which could not keep me engaged. The first one succeeded, I think with plenty of brevity and fun examples. Unfortunately, this one doesn‘t.
The authors here define “noise” essentially as different people in the same field coming to different conclusions when given the same information. I‘m 50 pages in, and they just seem to keep regurgitating that over and over without providing any studies to support it. So, I‘m all done now.
A follow through on the first book “Thinking fast and slow”. Essential reading so we can understand each other, look for the influence, not only of cognitive bias, but also of “noise” (scatter) if we are to understand the behavior of Home Sapiens (Irrationalis). So important in these crazy times.