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A Curse of Roses
A Curse of Roses | Maria B. Moses
"A passionate YA fantasy about forbidden love and determining who the real monsters are." - The Independent Review Stay hidden. Run if you can. Fight if you must. Lillianett belongs to a family of Renai, cursed children of the Halibel bloodline that began when Queen La-Muse committed an unforgivable sin. On the day the curse is passed down, burned onto flesh, the Renai must go to another world, Glorus, for a year and survive under the constant threat of being found and prosecuted. As the ninth generation Renai, the curse is a glorified birdcage of boredom and isolation. Lillianett trains for the day she might get caught but otherwise languishes in her growing desire to break free. Her recklessness threatens to be her ruining when she saves a prince's life and he tempts her out of her birdcage and away from eight generations of hiding.
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