Although Laura Chinn does reflect upon her childhood in a comedic tone, don‘t let that fool you. Her life was full of trauma and heartache. She kept it all light and digestible, but she still managed to make me cry in the end.
Although Laura Chinn does reflect upon her childhood in a comedic tone, don‘t let that fool you. Her life was full of trauma and heartache. She kept it all light and digestible, but she still managed to make me cry in the end.
“When you think very little of yourself, you can‘t imagine ever having control over what happens to your body or having agency over how you are spoken to. That‘s something I have had to learn.”
If you‘re interested in this upcoming memoir, I have a giveaway going on my Bookstagram right now: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcgBrKartBl/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Wow. I had no idea what to expect when I started this book. My presumption was that this was a book about Acne, and the author's lifelong struggle with it. But it is far more than that. It's the story of her journey through life...divorce, alcohol, death, and in the end finding her path in life, and finding happiness. Through it all the message of not judging people because you don't know the path they have walked resonates.
Hachette books sent me this wonderful collection of non fiction books.Acne a personal look at the authors teen years her family and her suffering with acne.Word of mouth is giving it raves real& hilarious.Stories I Might Regret Telling You & Divorce Colony are on top of my tbr pile.