As always Seanan McGuire delights and thrills with her latest incryptid novel. Alice is just as wonderful a lead character as I‘d hoped she‘d be, and made better (in my opinion), with all the flaws she contains.
As always Seanan McGuire delights and thrills with her latest incryptid novel. Alice is just as wonderful a lead character as I‘d hoped she‘d be, and made better (in my opinion), with all the flaws she contains.
“Sometimes the right thing and the best thing and the good thing and the thing you want are four different things, and you have to try to figure out which one of them will do the least amount of damage.” -Enid Healy
Hey Jonathan? Pretty sure I know why Alice is so fucked up my man.
(I do so love all the various branches of this family but oh Lordy do they ever screw each other up, love them, but they‘re a mess)