⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An academic book focusing largely on three important works: Player Piano, Harrison Bergeron (short story), and Slaughterhouse-Five. It‘s a deep dive into themes and structures while touching on his personal life and many careers. I ordered this signed copy directly from the Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library where Whitehead is the Founder and CEO. Love supporting KVML!Definitely recommend this to other established Vonnegut fans.
vivastory Thanks for the tag! This sounds fascinating 2y
Ruthiella Excellent! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! 2y
Cinfhen Yup, not for me 😁😄 2y
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Libby1 @britt_brooke - I‘m now following the Vonnegut Museum and Library. Thanks for the tip! 2y
britt_brooke @Libby1 They post some great stuff! They are currently prepping for his 100th birthday celebration. Hoping to one day visit! 2y
britt_brooke @vivastory I think you‘d really appreciate it! 2y
britt_brooke @Ruthiella Absolutely! 💚 2y
tjwill Thanks for the tag! I follow KVML on Facebook and I saw about the 100th birthday celebration! I would absolutely love to go! 2y
britt_brooke @tjwill Would be so fun - a Vonnegut nerd‘s dream! 2y