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Museum of Hidden Beings: A Guide to Icelandic Creatures of Myth and Legend
Museum of Hidden Beings: A Guide to Icelandic Creatures of Myth and Legend | Arngrimur Sigurðsson
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Iceland, a country of striking and sometimes surreal beauty, is matched by its rich and extensive folklore. Since time immemorial, Icelanders have told tales of strange encounters and experiences they have had while on their travels. From the extraordinary Finngálkn, a halfbreed of man and beast to the Kráki, a giant octopus that preys on trawlers and oil rigs, Icelandic folklore is riddled with fantastic tales that expound natural phenomenon and circumstance with peculiar supernatural creatures from myth and legend. Take these tales, passed down from generation to generation throughout the centuries, make with them what you will and share them again. First published in Iceland as Duldy?rasafnið, The Museum of Hidden Beings is now available in English, worldwide, so that the creatures of Icelandic legend might knock on new doors. Part of the Wool of Bat series focused on the preservation and promotion of folklore and oral history from around the world.
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I enjoyed all of this ♥ï¸ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡¸â™¥ï¸

Bookwormjillk I wouldn‘t mind being in Iceland right now! 🥵🥵🥵 6d
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk it‘s rain and 69F here. 6d
Catsandbooks Great stack! ðŸ‘ðŸ¼ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡¸ 5d
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