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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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I‘m sure you‘re all as excited as we are to continue our discussions tomorrow on the craziness that is All Fours!

Here‘s just a little reminder that our third month of this summer‘s camp will be The Alternatives, followed by Bear.

Next Saturday, 3rd August, we‘ll discuss up to the end of Act One, Scene Two. (Don‘t worry if you‘ve just started and that‘s confusing - it starts with chapters and changes to a script part-way through!)

squirrelbrain If you don‘t wish to be tagged just let me know and I‘ll take you off. If we‘ve missed you out and you‘d like to join in - sorry and let me know! 🥰 14h
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TheKidUpstairs So excited! 🎉 14h
Susanita I‘ve had to defer my hold on Bear a couple times already, but I‘m still waiting for this one! “~2 weeks” 14h
youneverarrived The tagged is 99p on kindle today so just bought that 😁 think I‘ll have to miss out on Bear unless it goes down in price 13h
TheBookHippie My copy says it‘s enroute from one library to my library for me 🤞🏻 13h
AmyG Thank you. Ha….I was reading Bear first…oops. 🤣 12h
Bookwormjillk Thank you! 9h
squirrelbrain Oops @AmyG - good job I posted then! 🤪 9h
squirrelbrain Fingers crossed @Susanita 🤞 9h
squirrelbrain It‘s still very expensive isn‘t it? @youneverarrived 9h
squirrelbrain Hopefully it will hurry up! @TheBookHippie 9h
CBee I‘ve got my copy thanks to the lovely @ChaoticMissAdventures ♥️♥️ 8h
Hooked_on_books I listened to the audio and missed entirely the fact that it changes to a script halfway. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 8h
squirrelbrain That was a lovely thought, wasn‘t it? @CBee ❤️ 8h
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB did exactly the same thing! @Hooked_on_books 8h
Hooked_on_books Good! I‘m glad I‘m in good company! 7h
Soubhiville I couldn‘t remember which was first in August either @AmyG so great timing @squirrelbrain ! Thanks! 6h
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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I have a hard time with books where characters are trapped by circumstances and there seems to be no way out. This one felt similarly oppressive, plus the added menace of the bear! I found it difficult to read, emotionally speaking, but also so riveting I had a hard time putting it down.

I was impressed by how Phillips utilized a close, limited third-person perspective, filtering everything through Sam‘s POV but stopping short of first person.⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) I was incredibly frustrated with Sam in the early part of the novel, then incredibly frustrated with Elena. And now, I wonder how I would have felt if it was from Elena‘s perspective. Or an alternating POV. Keeping the reader within Sam‘s POV means Phillips tightly controls the reader‘s view, leading up to a stunner of an ending. It took my breath away.

(Finished early for #CampLitsy24 due to the whims of library hold lists!)
Aimeesue Great review! 1d
squirrelbrain Great review! I‘m just about to start this… 23h
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Cathythoughts Great review, stacked 👍🏻 21h
BarbaraBB Yes, she writes so well. Have you read 17h
Megabooks So excited for this one! 16h
BarbaraJean @BarbaraBB I haven‘t, but it‘s on my radar now! I was really impressed with her writing. 6h
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James: A Novel | Percival Everett
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A belated review for a fantastic #CampLitsy24 pick—it made for a great read & wonderful discussion!

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” —Scout Finch, in To Kill a Mockingbird

A retelling from a different character‘s perspective invites its readers to consider things from a new point of view—it was high time someone did this with Huck Finn.⤵️

BarbaraJean (Cont‘d) In telling the story from Jim‘s perspective, Everett offers new layers to ponder—and there‘s plenty worth pondering, from the way Everett uses language & dialogue, to the plot changes at the end. James gives voice to a character worthy of deeper exploration, inviting readers to consider another point of view on an American classic. This is the first book I‘ve read by Everett, and now I need to seek out a few more. 1d
squirrelbrain Great review! 1d
Megabooks Fantastic review!! I recommend continuing with The Trees or Erasure. Two of my other favorites by him. 1d
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BarbaraBB Wonderful review 🤍 I agree with @Megabooks favorites and would like to add 1d
BarbaraJean @Megabooks @BarbaraBB Thank you both for the recommendations!! 22h
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Pretty batshit but I‘m firmly in the “liked it a bunch” camp. I‘m not sure what that says about me. #CampLitsy24

sarahbarnes 🩵💯🩵 2d
squirrelbrain 🤪🤣😉 2d
BarbaraBB We‘re a great camp 😇 2d
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The Alternatives: A Novel | Caoilinn Hughes
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This #camplitsy24 book about 4 sisters had some interesting themes but fell short for me. The format was unique but I enjoyed when we got each sister‘s POV. I can‘t wait to discuss that ending during camp although I do wish there was more resolution at the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

squirrelbrain I‘ve just finished it too! I think we *may* be discussing that ending! 😉 2d
sarahbarnes I felt much the same way. 2d
Meshell1313 @squirrelbrain yay! can‘t wait to see what everyone thinks! 2d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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I really enjoyed this. Thanks #CampLitsy24 I don't think I would have picked it up without you. Our artist narrator (does she have a name??) is going through a midlife crisis, and perimenopause. I love books that give us messy women, & this one does. Our artist is looking for more, and she falls into lust with a young guy who works at Hertz. The randomness of it all works well for me.Yes she is rich & eccentric, I also think she exudes honesty

Caroline2 I really liked this one too. One 3d
BarbaraBB Great review. Glad you liked it! 3d
ChaoticMissAdventures @BarbaraBB I am sad so many others didn't like it at all!! I love an unexpected well written book. 3d
BarbaraBB Me too, I loved the unexpected! 3d
sarahbarnes Glad you enjoyed it! Great review. I really liked it too. 3d
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Clara Reads Proust | Stephane Carlier
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I love unexpected connections.

Just finished All Fours for #CampLitsy24 and the epigraph of my next read seems like it could be used for the July as well!

BarbaraBB True 😀😀 3d
sarahbarnes 🩵🩵🩵 3d
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Bear: A Novel | Julia Phillips
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Again I fell under the spell of Julia Phillips‘ writing. So unique in style and plot.

Sam and Elena live on a small island in the Pacific Northwest. They work and take care of their dying mother. The days are pretty similar until a bear arrives upon the island. That changes all and my heart went out to Sam, the narrator of the story, and her elder sister. A lovely book about loss and hope and life in general. #CampLitsy24

(📸: Takayama, Japan)

squirrelbrain Glad you enjoyed it - looking forward to starting it! 3d
Megabooks I'm looking forward to it! Camp Litsy has brought us a lot of interesting books this year. 3d
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain @Megabooks CampLitsy really did bring us such an eclectic mix of good books. So proud of Litsy ❤️ 3d
sarahbarnes Oh glad you liked it! I‘m starting it soon. Great pic! 3d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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I went into this #CampLitsy24 selection thinking I'd hate it and end up bailing. But it drew me in from the very first chapter, and then I couldn't look away. It is a wild and messy ride, coupled with some really beautiful, raw, tender moments (especially with Sam, and one particularly moving "scene" that I'll put under a spoiler in comments).

I wouldn't have read this without camp, but I'm glad to have experienced it.

TheKidUpstairs When she returns to the motel for her meeting with Arkanda, and the screaming and yelling and connection that follows was so incredibly impactful. It was a truly beautiful moment. 4d
AmyG I really liked this, too. Go figure. 4d
BarbaraBB And me too. Somehow I knew you two would be in camp Love too 😀 @AmyG 4d
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ChaoticMissAdventures I just finished and really enjoyed it. So messy, and I love that we can allow a woman to be this messy! 4d
youneverarrived That was a really raw moment. I loved it too. 4d
TheKidUpstairs @ChaoticMissAdventures I LOVE messy stories about messy women 4d
TheKidUpstairs @AmyG @BarbaraBB gotta love a surprise pick, it really shakes things up! 4d
sarahbarnes Glad you liked it! I really did, too. 3d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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Life is too short to read this book. 😆 It feels like just watching a train wreck and I have way too many other books to read!

#camplitsy24 - read 59 pages.

sherrisilvera I hope your pup is ok!! 6d
squirrelbrain That seems to be the cut-off point for a few readers! 5d
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 Hope the pup's doing okay, too! 🖤🐾🖤 5d
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Megabooks Oh no! The cone of shame! Sorry the book didn‘t work for you. 5d
CarolynM Good call. It doesn‘t get any better. 5d
Nebklvr Be ruthless. 5d
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