Cute, a little slow in the beginning, but really warmed the heart.
Cute, a little slow in the beginning, but really warmed the heart.
Sucha fun and lighthearted read! I really enjoyed that there wasn't a big issue that they had to work out; It was nice to see that there was a problem and they were able to get through it. The games were such fun and all the characters are a hoot! I only wish I was able to witness all the games.
While marketed as romance, this book is quintessential small town fiction - everyone has a complicated gossipy backstory and there are multiple POVs. I saw the twists coming really early and there is the barest of romance but if you‘re looking for a nosy quirky (potentially co-dependent) town like those on Gilmore Girls or Heart of Dixie look no further. This is a warm, hopeful sunshine of a book.
#netgalley Publish: 3/21/23