Fun fun vacay read; this was a great poolside read while I was cruising. The series continues to impress me and I look forward to more character development as this keeps going.
Fun fun vacay read; this was a great poolside read while I was cruising. The series continues to impress me and I look forward to more character development as this keeps going.
Great, fast read. Everything was perfectly paced and was just right for my long distance flight. This series has consistently stayed well written and I‘m looking forward to the next book.
Reasonably fast paced read that didn‘t make me want to yell at our MC as much for doing stupid, risky things.
This was a fun read, but didn‘t really resonate with me as much as any of her other books usually do. I wasn‘t connecting to the characters or the situation. I also felt it was a had heavy handed with the message.
Another great read in the series! Brooklyn and Derek are #couplegoals. Actually, every couple in this series is #couplegoals! The mystery is fun and the journey to the ending is always a delight.
I had a hard time with this book because I kept thinking I was missing facts that I should know; there are a lot of throw aways about how they previously solved something or helped someone and I just kept wondering if I completely forgot that part of the story or if there was a story I was supposed to read first to understand all these little things. That really took me out of the story and I had a hard time engaging.
I really really enjoyed reading this; it has all the feels. I scoffed, I laughed, I cried. Extra bonus points because I know the area (born and raised Angeleno!) and enjoyed seeing it through a fellow American born Taiwanese‘ transplant‘s eyes.
I wanted to love this so much and the description made me think I could, but I didn‘t. I had the hardest time finishing this book because her stubbornness drove me insane and took away any enjoyment from everything else in the book. That was sad, because short of her absolutely annoying the crap out of me, this was a pretty fun story.
I really enjoyed book 1, but I'm a bit annoyed at how often she doesn't believe in herself AND how much she runs away from getting answers, which only leads to more complications. Besides that, I really enjoy the book and especially the mystery and the custody subplot. Enjoyed the added new characters and really loved how the mystery went about getting solved.
This series really never disappoints and this one was no exception. Love the peeks at how everyone is doing, but the mysteries are always so much fun. This one was perfect for Halloween with the seance, the murder, and the extra little mysteries thrown in. Zippy, just enough red herrings, and a very satisfying conclusion.
with this one. The plot was unique and interesting, but the small things really caused me to continually lose my interest; the comedy of errors that was Junior and Summer's beginning, the ending where everything was excused away with being in love, and the fact that all the stories felt very abrupt.
This was such an interesting and unexpected read. I was intrigued by the description, but was completely not expecting how things turn out. Not to give any spoilers, but the story had some very surprise endings that were in the positive. More importantly, I could feel for all the characters. I wasn‘t sure whether to pity or despise everyone as you learned more about them. Good read!
Super fast, cute read. I started this on the plane and just zipped right through; it‘s such a fun read. I understood the anxiety our MC felt, even if I thought it was a bit crazy. Our live interest was such a good guy and I was totally rooting for him.
I was excited to see that this series was on Net Galley! I had read the short that introduced us to our newest protagonist and really enjoyed it; this was no exception. It was nice to get an extended peek into characters we‘d met quickly in the short and the mystery was very well done.
Cute cute cute cute cute! This was such a perfect vacay read for me; fast and sweet. I really enjoyed all the characters and now I want to read the other 2 stories too.
A cute collection of very tame Christmas romance novellas; perfect for getting into the holiday mood!
Solid enjoyable read with a great mystery.
I enjoyed the mystery and the bits of suspense, which was quite perfect for a YA read. Not super fast paced, but moved along at a decent pace. I enjoyed all the characters, but the story really didn't delve much more into them, so I couldn't quite connect with them. I do love a good happy ending, so I was happy to read the little updates on everyone at the end.
While I enjoyed this one, it was probably my least fave of the trilogy and I‘m not really sure why no just didn‘t seem to connect with Vee in this book and I think that was it. But, it was still a fun read.
I know there have been complaints about this now being too realistic and less cozy, but I didn‘t find it to be so. Still enjoyed the story and am looking forward to the next one.
Classic Percy story and I loved it!
Her first book was hilarious. This one is not. But, this one is utterly touching. And hopefully.
I love Tessa Bailey books. That said, I had a wee bit of a hard time connecting with this one. I loved everything, except Beat‘s reason for why he‘s doing this. Also, the synopsis was definitely deceptive to me. That said, I did love the journey into some different loving. Can‘t say more cause I don‘t want to give away any spoilers!
Another good addition to the series! I am still feeling like I don't need the cat's point of view, especially since it's not giving me any additional info, but the mysteries are always very solid with lots of good characters and red herrings. I am also really enjoying that the circle of friends and family has been slowly widening so that we get more info, but not all at once.
This was my first book by the author and I was unprepared for the style of the book. That said, this little short was a fun read, lots of laugh snorts.
Lovely addition to the series; I really enjoy seeing Rozie grow j to the position and it‘s such fun getting (faux) glimpses into the royal household. Additionally, it‘s always such a gentle read that I find it relaxing to meander through the whole mystery.
YA Knives Out meets One of Us Is Lying is such a great description of this book. This was such an engrossing and zippy ready; all the characters were unique and the individual mysteries that unfold was fun to learn. Add in gorgeous 1920s costumes and a good ending, making this a great read.
Another great Wynchester family story filled with kooky characters and scenarios and helping the poor; so much fun! I cannot wait to read the next story.
Super fast read! I really enjoyed the speed of this story and the characters so far, but I wish that we got more character development for a lot of the other side characters ; currently this feels a bit novella-ish. Hoping that as she writes more in the series, we‘ll get to learn more and even meet some of the characters that were only name dropped.
A story featuring Nico? Yes! And so good!
Omg, this was so cute and so fun! I had the best time reading this and just zipped right through. I liked that it asked us to just believe, and made a point of marking everyone already believe; I find it annoying when the book spends so much time with characters trying to convince other characters that magic is real. All the characters were pretty likeable and I‘m looking forward to the next book.
I forgot how much I enjoy Carl Hiaasen novels! This was a fun and quick read, with all the trademark Hiaasen wit and quirk. I enjoyed all the quirky characters, and especially liked the redemption for the adults.
Having just finished a light holiday cozy mystery novella, this was a little bit darker than expected. That said, I really love the work of all 3 authors and highly enjoyed all three stories; I stayed up reading instead of sleeping! All 3 did a good job incorporating mittens into their stories and we got 3 very distinct stories.
What a fun little holiday novella from Carol's perspective. She was a little foolhardy, but it was a nice short read and it was such fun to see the seniors in action. Definitely got me in the holiday mood and want to read the next in the series!
While i enjoyed book 1 in this series, i did not enjoy this as much. The MC annoyed me the entire book. I understand she‘s young, but I was constantly frustrated with her passivity. Also, our love interest seems toxic. The mystery was ok, but I felt like there were a lot of things mentioned, mentioned often, but then was just rushed through to tie up loose ends.
My absolute, hands down favourite cozy series and this book did not let me down. While in keeping with the tradition of zaniness, this was less madcap than most of the others and was such a fun and quick read; I am zipped right through this! The mystery was fun and engaging, plenty of red herrings, oodles of suspects, and it was nice to focus on some other side characters this time around.
What a captivating, fast paced read! I read somewhere this has already been optioned, so I‘m looking forward to seeing this as a movie. The characters were all interesting and I had a good time seeing which way out MC was going to go. I was able to guess one part of the ending, but not the other. Looking forward to a book 2!
Not a lot a of heat, but finally the Cynster family wedding I‘ve been looking for with everyone in attendance. I was just missing Lady Osbaldeatone.
Oh my gosh, so so cute! I went through all the emotions while reading this and had such a hard time not finishing this in one go. It's a little absurd, but absolutely magical and perfect for for getting me into the holiday mood.
So cute and heartwarming, just like a warm hug. I chuckled, I sniffled, and I kept saying just one more chapter. This was oodles of fun and I really enjoyed the mixing of the religions and holidays I also loved book Hallmark! Now if only I could find the real town….
A good continuation of the series, with a couple of mysteries that we try to solve; plenty of red herrings and lots of clues for us to sort through. The friendly side characters are fun as always.
Wow, what a fun read! This had a zippy mystery that kept me on my toes, gorgeous descriptions, and a super cute little love story.
Another fast paced adventure! This one zipped right along and the idea was fun and fantastical. I will say that the ending seemed to be a bit abrupt, but otherwise a zippy read.
Super! Book 3 in this series is quite a delight. I continue to enjoy the characters and the mystery was filled with plenty of clues, a few strong characters, and a good number of red herrings.
Overall a good a start to a new series; lots of nice historical bits and I enjoy reading about lady detectives that buck the norms. And, it‘s a fun twist to have her trained as a chemist and using it in her investigation. I do wish that this moved a tad bit quicker however. But, looking forward to book 2. Just an fyi for those who read this, this isn‘t very light hearted, so don‘t come in expecting that!
Good mystery and it was nice to see Theo being less detective -y.
This was a fun and quirky read. Having not read the german version, I thought the translation for this was pretty good. I enjoyed the old folks living together as “hippies“ and solving mysteries. I also enjoyed the slow reveal of other mysteries that we started the book off with. The murderer wasn't too hard to guess, nor the twist, but it was a fun ride getting to the end.
The series is not into book 17 and it hasn‘t lost its touch! The setting is just magical, the food makes me drool while reading, the characters are all great, and the mysteries never fail. This one continues to be zippy, throwing in plenty of possible suspects and then some last minute zig zags to make you question yourself before you learn the truth.