Another “bodice ripper”, but not quite so salacious as the first one. Can Lord and Lady Tremain reconcile and have a child or is their marriage irreconcilable? #SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
Another “bodice ripper”, but not quite so salacious as the first one. Can Lord and Lady Tremain reconcile and have a child or is their marriage irreconcilable? #SeriesLove2024 @Andrew65 @TheSpineView
Once upon a time, things were quite different for the Tremaines. When Gigi Rowland first laid eyes on Camden Saybrook, the attraction was immediate and overwhelming. But what began in a spark of passion ended in betrayal the morning after their wedding. Now Gigi wants to be free to marry again. When Camden returns from America with an outrageous demand in exchange for her freedom, Gigi‘s decision will have consequences she never imagined.
Next read is a reread (also a swim read, hope I don‘t drop my phone in the water) because characters from this historical romance were mentioned in the contemporary romance I just finished—and loved! I loved this book when I first read it earlier this year too, and only now did I notice a recommendation from @EloisaJames on the cover! #romantsy