Military Sexual Assault: An Analysis of how Print News Media Frames the U.S. Military During Times of Scandal | Steven Richard Kuhl
Sexual violence in the military is woven into history, with stories and myths that date back to the times of ancient Rome. For example, military conquests thousands of years ago, involved looting, pillaging, and raping and was termed the spoils of war or rewards for the winning side (Castro, Kintzle, Schuyler, Lucas, & Warner, 2015; Zaleski K., 2015). Over time, women continued to be used to boost morale of soldiers in combat zones and had been viewed as sexual resources to keep their spirits up (Neill, 2000). Hence sexual violence has long been associated with power, control, and fear (Neill, 2000). Today, instances such as the Marine sexual misconduct scandal (Caughlin, 2017) are still associated with such concepts. The media reports incidents of military sexual misconduct, and frames them in a way they want the readers to understand them (Kasinsky, 1998) This research utilizes qualitative content analysis and descriptive statistics to analyze the media frames of military sexual assault and sexual harassment over the past 20 years. Media framing is important because it can drive public opinion. Organizational Culture theory indicates that public opinion is a part of what influences culture. Culture can affect the military, because civilians that receive information about the military, through stories framed by the media, may become service members in the military, and their cultural beliefs impact the organization (Fleming, 2010; Entman, 1993; Edy & Meirick, 2007; Semetko & Valkenburg, 2000; Ryan, 2004). As the U.S. Military navigates the uncharted waters of women being authorized to serve in all roles, without restrictions, it is imperative that service members and civilians alike, learn from previous military scandals and create an environment free from sexual assault and sexual harassment. A holistic reflection, includes exploring how the Military was framed by the media during these high-profile incidents because media coverage can shape views on a given topic (Semetko & Valkenburg, 2000). For this reason, this research utilized qualitative content analysis explores how media portrayed three Military sexual assault scandals between 1996 and 2013. Adapting existing measures to look at media scales in the Aberdeen Proving Ground scandal, Lackland Airforce Base scandal, and Airforce Academy scandal analysis concluded that that two frames were most prominent coverage of the scandals. In addition, the overall quantity of articles written about the scandals decreased overtime. Implications for the findings of these media frames are discussed in the final chapter.