I really enjoyed this book. It is largely a love story and has lots of interesting characters. Great read 😊
I really enjoyed this book. It is largely a love story and has lots of interesting characters. Great read 😊
An alternative history, where Al Gore won the presidency in 2000. Things are certainly different BUT are things really better?
A book for when you feel comfortable in your allyship or think perhaps you are quite liberal. You probably aren't.
I've read some since I read this, so I can't remember the details of my thinking, but it was a good one coming off Dream Town.
In an alternate 2020, in which Al Gore once won the presidency and Democrats have held court for 20 years…we still live in an economically and racially unjust, imperialist, carceral state (now with more greenwashing!), and teacher and punk band guitarist Maddie Ryan finds herself and her community forever changed when she stands against the building of a new hyperway through the Black 8th Ward she‘s inadvertently helped gentrify and gets 👇👇👇