I liked how this page had no words but the pictures were able to speak for themselves and you can really feel what is happening.
I liked how this page had no words but the pictures were able to speak for themselves and you can really feel what is happening.
The layout of graphic novels make it really easy to read and I think this book specifically is relatable for many students and would be a great recommendation for those students who may not find much joy in reading because of the fact that it is easy to read and follow the plot, plus the idea that they can see themselves as the characters.
This graphic novel is perfectly suited for children aged 10 and older because it deals with many real-world subjects. I think it is age appropriate for 10 year olds because they are mature enough to handle subjects such as bullying and the loss of pets which both are talked about in this graphic novel. It would be a great book club read or just free read in the classroom.