Strange alliances definitely characterizes a lot of what happens in this book, as each brother is joined (mostly begrudgingly) by a host of unexpected characters. The story does go a bit off the rails, but I think it's meant to because it is modeled after epics, which also tend to go off on random character-adding tangents. The watercolor art style is such a treat, and I look forward to the next book. #Comic #Chinese
Kenyazero Used for #OwlHouseReadathon Lily "complicated sibling relationship" and for #GottaCatchEmAll Corvisquire "favorite genre" and "second book in a series.” @PuddleJumper 11mo
PuddleJumper Amazing! 11mo
Clare-Dragonfly I love the artwork! 11mo
Kenyazero @Clare-Dragonfly The art is a huge treat in this one, for sure! It‘s worth reading for that alone! (The story is fun too, of course) 11mo