The stories are original, the images vivid. Bonomini is playful and fearless (there‘s a whole story without punctuation). There‘s unexpectedness, surprise, a unique voice, humour. Perhaps not for everyone but I loved it.
The stories are original, the images vivid. Bonomini is playful and fearless (there‘s a whole story without punctuation). There‘s unexpectedness, surprise, a unique voice, humour. Perhaps not for everyone but I loved it.
I‘m currently reading The Novices of Lerna with a weird sense of pride because I attended a literary translation workshop with Jordan Landsman and had read and commented on his translation before he found a publisher. When I looked at the back of the book I found my name in the Thank you list! đJordan is a gifted translator, a humble and kind person and I‘m so happy he persevered and got his translation published!
I love when the right book appears at the perfect time! This beauty surprised me in the mailbox last week (I subscribe to Transit Books, but their publishing schedule is irregular). Bonomini is an out-of-print, forgotten Argentine writer, and Jordan Landsman translation brings his unusual style back to life. I adored these little stories and eponymous novella! đŚđˇ #TransitBooks