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Sheine Lende
Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger
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Bookpage Most Anticipated YA of 2024 Shane works with her mother and their ghost dogs, tracking down missing persons even when their families can’t afford to pay. Their own family was displaced from their traditional home years ago following a devastating flood – and the loss of Shane’s father and her grandparents. They don’t think they’ll ever get their home back. Then Shane’s mother and a local boy go missing, after a strange interaction with a fairy ring. Shane, her brother, her friends, and her lone, surviving grandparent – who isn’t to be trusted – set off on the road to find them. But they may not be anywhere in this world – or this place in time. Nevertheless, Shane is going to find them. Darcie Little Badger’s Elatsoe launched her career and in the years since has become a beloved favorite. This prequel to Elatsoe, centered on Ellie’s grandmother, deepens and expands Darcie’s one-of-a-kind world and introduces us to another cast of characters that will wend their way around readers’ hearts.
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Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger
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By the author of Elatsoe, and, A Snake Falls to Earth 😊

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Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger

Maybe it‘s because I read Elatose a while ago, as this prequel (of her grandmother) didn‘t hit any cords with me. Closest thing was the side conversation of how the Lipan people kept having their land taken away. Which felt at odds with the main plot of Shane using the family ghost dog to find missing people. As a prequel, hoped to get more connection with first. But didn‘t see that. Smooth, no heart racing action, throughout still is nice.