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Joined August 2019

I like big books and I cannot lie. Adventure fiction and poetry is my jam. The more diverse characters the better. Tea riding a dragon reigns supreme
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Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
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Spin of Fate by A. A. Vora

I can see the hype of this classic. It shows life in Brooklyn from a poor girl who watches a tree continue to grow through adversity. I didn‘t really get that till the ending 10% thou, as that‘s when it started getting going for me. I think it was a different psychology look than I‘m used to. Demon Copperhead vibes, but that everything is going right but it barely goes right.


I think these two had the better chemistry than the other books couples. Just don‘t think too hard on the “plot”. Title should‘ve be drugged, not drunk. My favorite part must‘ve been the other guys trying to give Dante advice. Every time the scrying mirror came up, I was laughing. Cherry found out the guy who loves her is rich and went for it. The ending really sold it for me, with how the other dragons trauma was dealt with. Also, THAT DAMN CAT.


I loved this second part!! Quite possibly more than the first. This may be due to the way Oraya‘s trauma and depression takes a while for her to recover from. That Raihan regretted what happened. What hit me was the communication between Raihan explaining how his first book sacrifice was meant to be good, but it just added to Oraya‘s trauma. That hit hard. Emotional connection was so well written and spread out.

Reckless | Lauren Roberts

Decent second of a trilogy (typical flout between book). The “plot” was just a constant chase between Pae and Kai. Was 90% these two trying to hate each other and failing. Miserably. Kai, you have it down bad. But the plot felt like it didn‘t have a lot else going for it. Wanted more of this non-elite society. End plot twist was a surprise all right. What I did like was the continuation of Their traumas. Want more of Kitt‘s trauma.

Sheine Lende: A Prequel to Elatsoe | Darcie Little Badger

Maybe it‘s because I read Elatose a while ago, as this prequel (of her grandmother) didn‘t hit any cords with me. Closest thing was the side conversation of how the Lipan people kept having their land taken away. Which felt at odds with the main plot of Shane using the family ghost dog to find missing people. As a prequel, hoped to get more connection with first. But didn‘t see that. Smooth, no heart racing action, throughout still is nice.

Of Jade and Dragons | Amber Chen

I loved the premise of this story. Great south East Asian inspired story from a new author. Girl runs off to avenge her engineer father by joining the boy only Engineer Guild. Mulan feel. The romance did not fit. It didn‘t add anything, and was close to taking away from it. I wanted to see more of the Guild and her being anti-war. For being such a big war, we didn‘t really experience much that proved that. There was more room to grow potential.


Loved this second of the Mead Mishaps series. Might actually liked it better than the first, with how the romance with these characters was written. The plot was nice to read as a follow up to the firsts plot. Love grumpy and sunshine characters who fall for each other; especially with HIM being the sunshine one. How Brie defeated the main baddy? I‘m still cackling. So creative. Also, a talking sword is always amazing.

Love Hypothesis | Ali Hazelwood

Believe this is my favorite of Ali‘s books. I adored both mc‘s. Felt real, in how they spoke throughout the fake dating and the way around work. My biggest complaint is her being a grad student, him a lead lab. But the “old man jokes” were hilarious and added much to the bickering. Loved how supportive everyone was, though Olive‘s work struggles and that jerk. Gasped aloud with the way Adam reacted. Damn, I like this man.

The Fake Mate | Lana Ferguson

I started loosing interest at 50% because I found out this is an omegaverse story with little plot to it. This reminds me why I‘m not into werewolf romances. 3 times in the bedroom by 50%?? The plot hit stagnant till 85%, to which I was pleased again with the characters growth and discovery on how much they want to be together. I did like the characters, and felt they were both fleshed out in their worries about making this fake relationship real.

Dragonfall | L. R. Lam

I didn‘t feel connected to these characters, though the writing definitely was made to do so. I could tell, as I did get some every few chapters. The plot of a heist is not my usual trope, I know it‘s a big one now, whereas I wanted more of the dragons behind the veil. The twos banter was amusing, and fun to watch develop, though I wish I could see their connection better. That‘s why the closing chapters really brought it together to me.

Love on the Brain | Ali Hazelwood

Loved some parts, didn‘t like others. Character wise, I liked Levi and only kinda got Bee. Caught on to Ali‘s book type. Science woman falls for tall and strong other stem guy. I love how sweet Levi is. This is one of her earliest books, and so it did feel closer to a rough draft than her later stories. Quick plot move around. That ending twist got me and I wish it made more sense. As in, I wish I could‘ve see how it made sense.


This is the definition of a rom-com fantasy romance. So much fun!! Laugh out loud humor and sass back and forth. Very quick read, well, listen in my case. Which is likely why I didn‘t get a vibe for anybody, as in I didn‘t feel emotionally attached to most of the characters. Did fall in love with Fallon and Cin‘s sass. The narrator was incredible. Just wish the ending pulled things together differently, was abrupt. Just never emotionally destroyed


The story was a roller coaster in terms of really good and meh. Nothing bad, per se. I expected a missing mystery, as the cover mentioned, for their dad. I did not expect a story about a non-verbal child and happiness experiments. This was where my whole attention was focused. Learning about the uses on baseline happiness affecting how other things make someone happy. Then there‘s Eugene. I know Mia‘s telling the story, could barely stand her.

Heavenbreaker | Sara Wolf
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Audio from Libby. This story takes place on a space station; which was barely mentioned. I would also have really liked to know how this space jousting “ride and fall” works. I never felt like I could SEE what was going on. I wanted more of the mystery of the station. So much left unsettled or just mentioned once. The ending 20% brought it more together, though didn‘t land smoothly. Not sure if I‘ll read the sequel.

Broken Flames | Mk Ahearn
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2 star. This is like a fan fiction for Zutara. With similarities, but not enough to feel cut and paste. It‘s more like the base. Whereas this focuses more upon a forced marriage where their two opposite elemental countries forge a treaty. I wanted to enjoy it, but found myself skipping ahead. There a beginning to an emotional connection I wanted more of. Between that torture and almost drowning. Give me panic! Surprised by two 2-star spice chapter

When the Moon Hatched | Sarah A Parker

He grips both sides of my face, another flash of lightning filing the room with white light, his eyes volcanic as he says, “This truth is going to hurt, and you're going to hate me for it. But there's someone out there who needs you, and you're going to change their life even more than you changed mine.”

When the Moon Hatched | Sarah A Parker

I loved this book. The world building is insane and the characters are expansive. I wish we knew more about the magic system, though, with the elemental songs element. Kaan is DEFINITELY a mix of Cassian and Rowan because they take no prisoners to getting their woman to take responsibility and be better. I had to take back a star because that ending tried hard to set up a Devastating cliffhanger and just missed the mark. I‘m invested either way

Weyward: A Novel | Emilia Hart
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Phenomenal story. Especially as an audiobook- 3 voices. Three varying timelines was something I thought would be an issue. It was not. Those three went along together very nicely. Alva, Violet, and Kate are not so different after all. They are all of the Weyward family name. Who were affected by a man who ruined their life. The ending crescendo of their story, of Kate‘s present story, I felt deep her desires and pain.

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5⭐️ Can‘t believe I almost didn‘t pick this up. Not always one for novellas if I‘m not 100% invested. So glad I did. Knowing this goes side to side with Powerless -just Adena‘s perspective -hit so hard. I adore her. She is such a light in such a dark world. Mak grew on her, as this is literally the sunshine and grumpy trope tripping into each other. I cried so much at the ending. Such a powerful 220 page story. Now I cry looking at the cover🪡


4 ⭐️ Start of the book had me in a choke hold, where the final not so much. I loved the banter between Kai and Paeydn. Banter had me laughing out loud. My heart goes out to Kitt more though for how everything went down in the end. I have such disdain for that trope; it‘s the reason it lost a star for me. Did not expect that ending, as I had hoped for something better. Will be reading the sequel because I love the premise.


Cute short story, novella, so it didn‘t give a lot to go off of. Romance was too quick, barely any time to get to know each other. I get it‘s a novella, but they still needed more time. Likely would‘ve liked it more if it was longer and gave more fleshing out. Though I did like this guy; Ali knows how to get these men sounding so great.


I almost feel bad because this was my choice for my library‘s book club. The story was intriguing, the way it was presented. Bouncing between 3 perspectives and then two timelines was borderline too much to keep track of. Let alone the present story with Sunny and Kit‘s past story. It just fell flat for me. I did like the aspect of working at a library and being a part of that community. Did not click for me at all.

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This was a really good read. Lots going on, but mainly focused on the Chaos Trials and Kenna being bonded to her wild Unicorn. I was glad to see these kiddos doing the “better” choice in trials that force them to be mean. Because that‘s how it‘s always been done. As usual, I could see where things were going, but ending still threw me for a loop. I adore these kiddos, making me tear up again over the emotional impact they go through.

Milk Fed: A Novel | Melissa Broder

Complicated feelings. I enjoyed the first half a lot better than the second. The first spoke more on the trauma from growing up with an eating disorder. How that affects one‘s entire being. Second part got more sexual in a way I did not understand, nor like. Became sexual in a way where her eating disorder became linked to her libido. Felt that derailed my understanding of the book, but still had a hard time putting it down.

Funny Story | Emily Henry

I did enjoy this book, 4 ⭐️, but something felt off. Even when I felt called out by the FMC‘s antics, almost self deprecating. Likely due to how quick these two fell for each other, as each of their ex‘s went to marry each other. Their interactions were amazing, but that reasoning behind dating was a miss. Miles is an amazing guy. Loved the whole working at a library. I felt so called out; about waiting for people who never arrive. Almost cried.

Assistant to the Villain | Hannah Nicole Maehrer
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The two characters banter is what saved the book for me. Otherwise I thought it was overhyped. I was confused a lot of the time what the Villain‘s work office space was doing. Or that Evie was okay with that, just because she finds him gorgeous. Off on the wrong foot, as I expected a slow burn where they didn‘t like each other at first. Both simped from the prologue. The ending quarter was amazing better and twisty. Not sure I‘ll follow up


I can see how this was the authors first book. This was unengaging to me; none of the characters stood out, each being a disgruntled employee when they are fired for a bad reason. For this mc her face. What ensues is her following other fired workers a course of becoming whistleblowers. The romance was almost nonexistent and unnecessary in my mind. Where there are strong female characters- did love them. Ending came up quick, and then dropped away

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Pretty sure Ali is officially a new favorite. I adored this book because of how messy the characters are. Elsie is trying so hard to be the person people want her to be. Relatable. To the point that she bypasses what she wants. I loved watching her grow to put herself first at points. Jack is such an amazing man; pushing her to speak up for herself. Ending was felt so deep; so proud of her.

LVOE. Volume II | Atticus
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Felt pretty mellow after his previous works. Almost as in those that need to push a book out. Though I did still enjoy it. Just none stood out as powerful and home hitting as I am used to from his works. Might be more of his changing in direction, now that he seems to be fixing more on his growing family. Muses: Her. Love. Peace. Hope. Time.

The Wild Robot | Peter Brown

This is a cute little novel about a robot, Roz, washing ashore an island and learns to be wild. She learns from watching the animals, slowly learning their language. Heartbreaking at points, as the story takes no prisoners with reality. Animals die; frozen in winter and shot by hunters. It‘s a reality of life, and it is crafted sensitively. Liked how she raises a gosling as her own son. Wonderful connection. The ending surprised me.


Mixed feelings. I wanted to finish it (I did) as it was a debut author. On and off trouble, though, following three timelines and how they correlated. At 55%, it started making more sense. It‘s of these two men, cursed to get back together, let alone their cheater followed them. I‘m not sure how I‘d explain the book. Let alone the many sexual encounters, intentional and not. Off putting to me-starts with a lot. Gay romance across lifetimes


"I‘ll think about it," Bryce answered.
"This is no game, girl," Thanatos snapped.
Bryce leveled a cool look at the Prince of the Ravine. "I'm sick and tired of people using girl as an insult."

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Was intimidated to start this, partly due size and split reviews. Did throughly enjoy it though. Way less smut (only 1.5) in leu of more history. This was all about stopping the Asteri after book 2‘s world breaking revelation. Bryce and Hunt I thought would know how to talk to each other. Lidia and Ruhn (agreed) really held up the book, Damn. Jesiba is a favorite; love when past hints not realized were hints make sense. 3 plots for 15 characters

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April vacation backyard shenanigans. I don‘t even know if I‘ll be able to finish this book this week as I have to keep putting it down and walking away. To either process or just throw up my hands. So this is how it‘s gonna be: so much happening at once already?? Scared for final 150 pages already. 😱

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I don‘t get the hype; almost end at 40%. Political intrigue did strike good around 65%. This is a story of betrayal and survival in a world where a human is seen as beneath dirt. Jude is tough with her sass and desire to do something to make her powerful enough to not be bullied. I do not like Carden. Just because a bully is justified in their why, doesn‘t mean he‘s forgiven. He seems too far into manipulation- like Jude became in her own rite.

The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah

This historical fiction discusses a very real time in history, where history was swept under the rug. After Vietnam, we turned around and thanked the men who fought. Those Vets were not treated well. This included the women nurses who were there and left to their own PTSD, forgotten. My heart broke multiple times. Liked how it encompassed Frankie going into, staying, then coming out of her Army service. Felt rushed, one tragic romance to another.

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Didn‘t really sit well for me, as in I didn‘t get it. I didn‘t understand what the story was about. I wanted to know more about this fungal thing slowly taking place giver the world. Neat the book was written prior to COVID. instead we follow Cadence through a sort of cult through her work. Was intrigued enough to complete it, just not much more. More adult than previously assumed. Millennial darts constant.

Demon Copperhead: A Novel | Barbara Kingsolver
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Somebody felt neglected 🙄🐈
I don‘t know how I feel finishing this monster of a book. In terms of size and being a sort of memoir. Children born into a drug family and how that influenced his every decision in life. How that kept building up on everything going on in his life. Made me feel angry at the foster program, as it failed this kid over and over again. Book to make you think about a system that is said to be amazing, but actually fails.

Bookwormjillk I'm reading this now too. It's a lot. 3mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 3mo
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The Women: A Novel | Kristin Hannah
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Whew, time to get back on these book club boxes so I don‘t get piled in them.
This is a historical book about women nurses who were in the Vietnam war. What I understand is their experiences getting through that. What I know of the author is that she writes a lot of historical themed stories. Which is a genre I am working on exploring more of. I hear many good things of her, mixed on recent books. So we‘ll see.

Bookbuyingaddict Are you enjoying it so far ? I‘m on page 📑 195 and finding it an easy read , writing ✍️ style not content 😌 4mo
Bookish_Gal @Bookbuyingaddict Not too far at the moment, priority was previous book. I am enjoying how the first few chapters are layer out. 3mo
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Maybe it‘s due to being an audiobook, but it kinda fell flat to me. I had a difficult time keeping up with all these names being said and how they connected. Love the mythos of the Chinese yin and yang prospects, of the schools. The magical realm sounded like it could be expanded upon, with things were left. These two main just weren‘t engaged to me, I didn‘t get how they ended by the end.

Bride | Ali Hazelwood
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Holy. FRICK. That was addicting to read. Couldn't put it down - besides quick breaks to laugh or go "omg, wait what". Silly “monster” romance. Lowe is freaking amazing. I can't get over his everything. That speech he gives Misery on that trip? Hell, that hit every pore. Misery herself, well, I felt so bad for her going through all that abuse. Still, she never backed down. Spice was hot due to the amazing emotional connection they created.

Bound by Firelight | Dana Swift
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Snowstorm reading!! I love these two, Adraa and Jatin, for their lovely banter. They make me so happy. This book shows the repercussions of the first, and brings in the underlying motives for war clearer. The prison gave intriguing new insights, though I kinda wish there was more on facing such trauma. It was nice to see how these characters matured, especially when they mentioned it to each other. Ended satisfying, but I do hope for a third.

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Not sure how I felt on audio. Felt I barely kept with all the twists in the second half. So much going on between so many characters. Who was the real main character?? Same with the current correlation of the poor Chinese mother trying to get back her baby back from being adopted. I didn‘t know where I stood by the end. Does she who left baby at the fire station get back her baby from adoption or the rich family? Wish that was more fleshed out.

Roary47 I love this review. The book sounds fun, but a slow read through sounds like the way to go. 😍 4mo
Bookish_Gal @Roary47 It really was. Audio was not the way to go. It takes some real understanding of the mother dilemma to get the book. 4mo
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Not Bad for a Girl | Anastasia Ryan
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This was so much fun to read. Indiana has trouble in the tech field, until she gets reassigned and misgendered. Then she‘s the best worker the team ever had. What prevails is a hilarious game of Indiana the man being too perfect to be true, while the real Indiana (woman) works to get seen. She wants to be know as her, not the fake man. Which I really appreciated reading. She didn‘t want to continue being a “man”, but saw treatment improvement.

In the Dream House: A Memoir | Carmen Maria Machado
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I review off vibes so this is a solid 4 for me. Then again, the haunting feel felt intentional in showing the survival through domestic abuse. With someone you love and think about leaving, but can‘t. Audiobook was read by the author (always nice) though I wasn‘t a fan of the far between breathes. The wording was odd enough to fit perfectly. Couldn‘t stop listening and wish better of her. Leave the dream house that is not a dream house anymore.

Cast in Firelight | Dana Swift
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I don‘t know why I left this on my tbr for so long. It‘s fantastic!! Adraa and Jatin start as betrothed royals, whose competitive natures make them rivals. Through partnering up - under secret hero names - they like these parts of themselves. It was so funny to watch them fall for each other in this way. The tension and banter was so well written. The deception by the end a good addition to this action romance.

Meshell1313 Stacked! Sounds great! ✅ 4mo
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I really did enjoy it, but I wanted to enjoy this more. There‘s a LOT going on in under 275 pages. Most needs fleshing out and being drawn out. Reads like high school fanfic - which is not bad, I enjoy those too. I adored the characters in the first half, then they got desperate and sloppy.

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
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It came to in the end, tho the earlier 2/3 was all rough. Between the trials blurring by (couldn‘t tell you what they were now), action too quick, and just the weird feeling I got. Praga was well written in her rage. Raihn is so complex. New to vampires, so that may have done it. Could‘ve easily forgot there were even vampires. Felt glossed over for it being. Spice chapter caught me off guard. I‘m pretty invested politically. That END.

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Now this one was getting really emotional. Between Greta trying to help Ginseng get through their dragon depression, Minnet feeling like she lost herself, and even the blacksmith saying they lost the drive to do good work. There‘s a lot to unpack. Yet done beautifully for such a quiet slow vibe book.

The Tea Dragon Festival | Katie O'Neill
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Same pretense - short, no stress - beautiful art story in the same world but different characters. This one felt more emotional in meaning. How the little things we do, that we don‘t realize we take for granted, is what makes us unique. Liked the Drahon shifter finding what it means to fit into a new place, a new home.