My first #whole30 was in 2013. My life was totally different back then (toxic boyfriend! toxic relationship with my body! employment insecurity! sooooo much CrossFit!), and the availability of such things as ghee and coconut aminos was so limited that it was often an expensive and frustrating chore to make food. I just finished my 2024 W30 and it was great! So much info, recipes, support and advice out there now. I will put my takeaways ⬇️
readswellwithothers Having had a rude introduction to menopause this year, I‘d already been prescribed estrogen and low-dose anxiety meds. Both of which had helped tremendously, but I‘m a firm believer that our gut is a direct line to our brain so figured cleaning that up might be an extra physical and mental health boost. Thus, the new W30. I sleep better, I have much more energy, I can THINK!! the brain fog is so much lighter, I‘m less bloated. Worth the challenge! 5mo
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