3.75 ⭐ I have to say this is one of the most unique fantasy books I have read. This takes place in the 90s, so it feels like going back to my teenage years. Between the hair metal bands, the Pantera shirts, I swam in this world gleefully. This is a story about a boy who‘s been away for the last few years because his father was in rehab. When he gets to move back in with his family it‘s a bit strange and his first stop is to a bookstore.
LibrarianRyan His friends are still there, but they‘re a little different and he doesn‘t fit in no matter how many T-shirts he wears. And being one of the only brown kids in the area he is automatically assumed to be the son of the bookstore owner. This is not unusual, but it is an entrance into a world of mathematical magic and danger. Time can stop, but also fast forward. This was very interesting and entirely worth it. I wouldn‘t mind visiting this world 4mo