Loved the conceit of this collection, Helen of Troy as beleaguered 90s wife and mother, but the poems just didn't resonate with me.
Loved the conceit of this collection, Helen of Troy as beleaguered 90s wife and mother, but the poems just didn't resonate with me.
Poet Maria Zoccola takes the character of Helen of Troy and reimagines her in Sparta, TN, as a housewife in the 90s. Helen's life is not what she imagines it would be, as her day-to-day responsibilities as a woman in the South begin to force her to push back against these expectations. By setting this in a small town, Zoccola can take familiar settings like a Chuck E. Cheese or a Piggly Wiggly and keep this epic tale rooted in reality.
I probably should have brushed up on my Greek poems prior to reading this as my memory of Helen of Troy is scant. I loved the afterword and notes from the author as it really helped flesh out the story for me and see the connection between this retelling and the original stories of Helen.