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Free to Make
Free to Make: How the Maker Movement Is Changing Our Schools, Our Jobs, and Our Minds | Dale Dougherty
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Dale Dougherty, creator of "MAKE: "magazine and the Maker Faire, provides a guided tour of the international phenomenon known as the Maker Movement, a social revolution that is changing what gets made, how it s made, where it s made, and who makes it. "Free to Make" is a call to join what Dougherty calls the renaissance of making, an invitation to see ourselves as creators and shapers of the world around us. As the internet thrives and world-changing technologies like 3D printers and tiny microcontrollers become increasingly affordable, people around the world are moving away from the passivity of one-size-fits-all consumption and command-and-control models of education and business. "Free to Make" explores how making revives abandoned and neglected urban areas, reinvigorates community spaces like libraries and museums, and even impacts our personal and social development fostering a mindset that is engaged, playful, and resourceful. "Free to Make" asks us to imagine a world where making is an everyday occurrence in our schools, workplaces, and local communities, grounding us in the physical world and empowering us to solve the challenges we face."
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A great book on the maker movement. The first half drags a bit trying to fairly capture the breadth of interests: computing, engineering, food, laser, 3D printing, etc. But it picks up again when it gets into the info of how hardwired we all are for hands-on making and problem-solving, and the profound loss here in the US where K-12 has dropped this aspect from the curriculum.

BennettBookworm This book sounds SO cool! 10mo
CampbellTaraL @BennettBookworm Yes! If you're busy making, the audiobook version is really good, and just a wee bit meta 😜 10mo
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My mom fiction love for the day. While I was hoping it was a books on ideas for maker spaces it's more about justifying a maker space to boards, communities, etc. still very helpful.

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My mom fiction love for the day. While I was hoping it was a books on ideas for maker spaces it's more about justifying a maker space to boards, communities, etc. still very helpful.

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Workplace book on my work place shelf. #septphotochallenge @RealLifeReading

RealLifeReading Sounds interesting! 8y
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