Haru, a little blueberry-shaped bird, helps their best friend, a piglet named Yama, on an unexpected quest to do away with an immensely evil object. The pacing is a little off, but I absolutely love this first book. The characters are fun, the dialogue is charming, and the post-apocalypse setting is interesting. I enjoy that the characters don't fully understand their quest. The lighthearted but dark tone reminds me of Rice Boy.
Kenyazero (if you love this, check out Rice Boy!) 2w
Rice Boy
Kenyazero Used for #LGBTQIA2025 Nature; #GottaCatchEmAll Drampa: a child character @PuddleJumper; and #OwlHouseReadathon Flapjack: a bird on the cover 2w
PuddleJumper 🎉🎉 2w