Complete Article Writer | Simon Whaley
The Complete Article Writer began life as a series of eight step-by-step workshops that took delegates through the process of creating a publishable article. In book format its aim is the same: to show you how to get from a potential idea to a finished article written for a specific readership. The Complete Article Writer explores: - article ideas: generating ideas and maximising their potential - magazine analysis: identifying your potential readers and the aspects of your idea that will interest them most - article structure: choosing the best structure for your idea, and how to make it an engaging read - creativity: adding interest and sparkle to your article - pitching: selling your idea to an editor before you write the article - rights: understanding the rights a magazine buys from you, and how you can re-use your ideas. Simon Whaley's articles have appeared in a variety of publications, including: BBC Countryfile, Country Walking, Lakeland Walker, The Simple Things, Cumbria, Discover Britain, British Heritage, The People's Friend, Outdoor Photography, The Observer and the Daily Express.