I moved along to another book at lunch. It‘s too early to say whether I‘ll stick with THE CORPSE-RAT KING, but I‘ll definitely make this egg drop soup with miso again.
I moved along to another book at lunch. It‘s too early to say whether I‘ll stick with THE CORPSE-RAT KING, but I‘ll definitely make this egg drop soup with miso again.
I‘m gonna post a book (or series) from my TBR every day until I‘ve shared the lot. No descriptions. No explanations. Just a whole bunch of books I haven‘t read yet.
This is Day 40.
When you are working on inventory and you keep finding that the Fantasy shelf does have the best titled books 😄. Check out the shelving suggestions on the back of this nicely named and also very intriguing book, The Corpse-Rat King (why didn't I keep this one 🤔🙃?). What is your #FridayReads this week? Does your weekend look sunny with a chance of BOOKS?