A little bit of history today. Another #TBR on my shelf. The roses were on sale for $3 so I had to buy them. 😊😊 🌹
A ROSE FOR THE CROWN rich in details, intriguing characters and in-depth research. An intriguing story about a country woman who finds herself in the arms of an infamous king. I truly felt as though I were stepping back in time. I gave it only a 3 stars...could have been shorter (almost 700 pgs) towards the end it got a little boring to read. I am not sorry I read the book, I enjoy it. And I would recommend it to any fan of the War of the Roses.
One gorgeous fictionalized take on the history of Richard III, thought to have murdered his nephews he could ascend the throne . . . Or did he?
How can a historical fiction lover resist?
I remember I really liked this and I kept it on my books worth a reread shelf. It's been awhile so I guess it's time for that reread 😊#lyricalapril #kissfromarose
#flowersonthecover #feistyfeb @RealLifeReading
Could only find this one 😀