Secrets and Lies | Gordon Thomas
Know the truth and it shall make you free is the motto emblazoned in the entrance to CIA’s headquarters in Virginia. Yet, as this revelatory and highly topical book clearly demonstrates, the CIA has hidden the truth about its own dirty deeds, including torture, brainwashing, and germ warfare. Secrets and Lies introduces never-before published government documents and includes affidavits and transcriptions of interviews with both perpetrators and victims of the CIA’s clandestine operations. Revelations include the story behind the death of Frank Olson, killed to prevent him from ‘blowing the whistle’ on the CIA’s mind control and secret weapons programmes, including how Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Cheney were complicit. Further, it tells the chilling details of mind control experiments on unwitting mental patients in an effort to perfect brainwashing techniques, including hallucinogenics, electric shocks and partial lobotomies. It also includes information on the full extent of US biological and chemical weapons research conducted by the CIA, whose Assassination Manual is published here for the first time. This fascinating, often shocking book aims at making the truth known about a tragic chapter in American history that may not yet be closed. Gordon Thomas is a bestselling author of 40 books published worldwide, a number dealing with the intelligence world. His awards include the Citizens Commission for Human Rights Lifetime Achievement Award for Investigative Journalism, the Mark Twain Society Award for Reporting Excellence, and an Edgar Allan Poe Award for Investigation. He lives in Ireland.