I can't wait for July. My books are now officially here for #ourclassicsummer reading group. These are the three main ones we have picked!
The Winter's Tale,
Northanger Abbey
20000 leagues under the sea
I can't wait to read 20000 leagues under the sea! Never read anything by Jules Verne before.
Anyone know if his work is good or not?
#collinsclassics #classicbooks #classicreading #2000leaguesunderthesea #northangerAbbey #thewinter'stale
diovival Nope, haven't read any of these. Curious about 20,000 Leagues too! 8y
steph_d1234 @diovival aw you can join in if you want!!? There is a few of us on instagram who are group reading them now :). I have heard good things but I'm looking forward to that one most haha 😁 8y