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5 ⭐️s
Back on the horse with my Animorphs read through! The group manages to rip a hole through space and time and end up lost in the rain forest not knowing when they are or how to get back. It always surprises me when I reread these how much body horror is in them. 😅 I love it and it makes a lot of sense as to why I am the way I am today. 🤣😂 There‘s a moment where Jake wonders whether Ax has a sense of humor and I can assure you, ⬇️

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Ax is the funniest one of them all.
#SeriesLove2024 #Roll100 1st finished book of 2024! ❤️🤘😆🤘❤️
Roary47 I‘ve always wanted to read these. It might be a goal one of these days to at least start them. 5mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 I‘m honestly really lucky to have the whole collection. I was helping a friend of mine move and he offered them to me. I‘d only ever been able to get a few of them growing up. I was ecstatic! 😍 Someone mentioned before that they had found some on Libby and at their library. I see them every now and then at Half Price Books if you have one near you. 5mo
Roary47 I‘ll give that a shot. I always wanted them, but I wasn‘t a strong enough reader so my dad didn‘t want to overwhelm me. The yellow Nancy Drew books were easier for me to read so he got me that set and the American Girls. Or maybe he just wasn‘t sure about people turning into other things. 😂 5mo
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 My parents were more concerned with having to buy me so many books constantly. There was a new book about every month! 😵‍💫 They found out my school and public library had them so they didn‘t see any reason to spend money on something I could get for free. But they were so popular they were pretty much always out. I just sort of made due with what I could get. Having my friend give me his had my inner child literally dancing for joy! 😅 5mo
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Animorphs #1: The Invasion | K. A. Applegate
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A spontaneous audio download because my local library has suddenly added the whole series to the catalogue. This was a really fun blast from the past. Ticked all my nostalgia boxes.

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5 ⭐️s
This is told from Marco‘s perspective and involves the team meeting up with an unlikely ally, Erek the android. Erek is a Chee, created by a race of aliens that are now extinct. Incapable of violence, Erek and a few other Chee wish to reprogram themselves to fight using a stolen technology the Yeerks have in their possession. It‘s up to the Animorphs to steal back the tech and change the future of an entire race.

#SeriesLove2023 #BookSpin

Andrew65 This sounds a very fun read. Well done 🥳 1y
TheSpineView Excellent! Sounds good.📚📚📚 1y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1y
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The Secret (Animorphs #9) | K.A. Applegate
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4 ⭐️s
The first Animorph book that I haven‘t given 5 stars… The story was kind of weak in this one. Mostly we follow Cassie‘s struggle with whether what they‘re doing is morally right or not. An incident with a termite colony has her questioning if she‘s no better than a Yeerk. I don‘t see how she can be confused, but it does cause the story to touch on conservation issues and humanity‘s role in saving the planet.

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm This was my June BookSpin (trying to play catch up 😅) 2y
TheAromaofBooks These books really weirded me out as a kid and I never read them 😂 2y
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Animorphs #1: The Invasion | K. A. Applegate
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On Episode 210 of my book podcast, author Ashley Poston and I prove that it‘s never too late to catch up on the pop culture that the cool kids were consuming approximately 20 years ago. 🙈 In our conversation about the first book in the ANIMORPHS series, we touch on mall hangs, the blurry lines between middle grade and YA, things that creep us out, dog behavior, metaphors for puberty, horse girls, and more. ✨ Listen at the link in my bio!

BookmarkTavern Yeeesss! Animorphs! 2y
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The Alien (Animorphs, #8) | K.A. Applegate
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5 ⭐️s
We get to see things from Ax‘s perspective. He‘s homesick and struggling with where his allegiances are. Andalite law states it‘s illegal to share Andalite secrets with alien species. Ax‘s older brother broke that law by bestowing the ability to morph to the human Animorphs. The rest of the team is growing frustrated and are hurt by Ax‘s inability to fully trust them. Ax has a heavy choice to make: betray his people or his friends?

MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm I didn‘t realize I didn‘t post my review for this until now! 🤦‍♀️ This was my #DoubleSpin for February! 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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5 ⭐️s
The first of the Megamorphs books which feature the whole team telling the story instead of focusing on one POV. I remember the day I got this at Waldenbooks in the mall. 😅❤️
The team faces Visser Three‘s newest weapon, a dust creature that upon sensing their morph energy, coalesces into a tornado with teeth and shreds everything in its path in order to capture its prey. Rachel also deals with amnesia but is still her good ol‘ Xena-self.

The Invasion | Katherine Applegate
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Bout to revisit my childhood...

Animorphs #07 The Stranger | K. A. Applegate
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5 ⭐️s
The team meets with a super powerful entity, an Ellimist, and are given the choice to stay on Earth and continue what he says will be a futile fight against the Yeerks or be moved to a new planet with their loved ones and enough humans for a sufficient gene pool.
Will the group decide to throw in the towel or continue to fight, knowing it‘s a losing battle?
Rachel comes across as more of a real person in this one. ❤️
My #DoubleSpin!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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The Capture | K. A. Applegate
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5 ⭐️s
The Animorphs infiltrate the Yeerks newest front, a hospital, in order to stop the aliens from infesting a potential presidential candidate while he‘s in for surgery. Things go wrong and Jake falls headfirst into a small Yeerk pool. He comes out with one of the slugs in his head. He‘s become a Controller.
Another awesome edition to the series! ❤️
This is also my read for the #RoaringWolf Sci-Fi September prompt: Warp Speed (read in one day)

Roary47 Awww man I always wanted to read these as a kid, but I was a struggling reader when they were popular. I might just need to add this to my stacks. 😍 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @Roary47 I was at a friends house many years back when he was clearing out his attic. He had the ENTIRE collection and just gave them to me! I still can‘t believe how lucky I was. I never got to read them all when I was younger, so I‘m working my way through them now. 😅❤️ 3y
BehindthePages I was obsessed with these as a kid! I still own them all! 3y
Roary47 @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm that is super lucky! 💛 3y
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